If You Can’t Eat Bread, You Might Try Cake
Emergency Preparedness – If You Can’t Eat Bread, You Might Try Cake
“If you have a high roughage diet and no problems with gluten (wheat protein), your intestinal tract is buff and tough,” said the nutritionist. “Modern refined food diets diminish basic digestive capabilities and addict people to additives as simple as common sugar. A spoonful of sugar may make the medicine go down, but think what the sugar has already done to denigrate a diet and desire for good, wholesome foods.”
Texture is a very important part of an efficient diet. There is a reason for roughage and some think that course food is the answer. Whole wheat, when ground to pastry flour fineness, still has its roughage. So, if you aren’t up to whole grain bread because you don’t like the texture, try angel food cake. Just make sure you grind to pastry flour fineness and use a recipe designed for fresh ground flour that has everything nature intended in it. We’re talking good food here, and you’ll be a regular person for eating it.
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