Ever had one of those days when you have nothing to do – rather, you have lots of busy work, but none of it is very important or significant? You’re in a funk.
The US Department of Labor estimated that 78% of all labor performed in the work place is non-essential – people making work to avoid work. And we do a lot worse at home.
When you’re feeling funky, think for a moment what one thing you could do before the day ends that would be most important for your well being. Then, DO IT!!!
In taking charge of your life, imagine how wonderful things will be if you just get one thing done for yourself each day for the next 365 days. Identify inventory items you just can’t live without and go get some – a week’s worth, better a month’s worth, or even a year’s supply. No, not Hershey bars. Think real needs. Water, food items (okay, Hershey bars can count), sleeping bags, shampoo, tooth paste. . . , stuff you will still need next month or next year. That’s what preparedness is all about. By next year you’ll have something to show for having taken up space on the planet. Take good care of yourself.
For more information, call (your ward emergency preparedness specialist).