AAA Planning For the Highway of Life

AAA Planning For the Highway of Life

Emergency Preparedness – AAA Planning For the Highway of Life.

     It’s hard to understand other drivers.  All we know is what we see them do, and they all act so differently.  Californians don’t drive like Utahans, Coloradoans, or Kansans (State motto:  If the corn ain’t up, you can watch ourr dog run away for three days).  East Coasters aren’t as concerned about driving as much as they are about parking.  They don’t have much of that in the East.  Westerners get downright frustrated trying to park in NYC.  If you haven’t been there, better talk to someone who has.
     Every journey requires a plan and with a good plan we can anticipate a pleasant outcome.  Self-reliance is a planning aspect of the gospel, but it takes a lot of help from others to get there from here.  Trying to navigate life without planning is like leaving home without the map, missing a sign, or making a wrong turn.  You will arrive at a destination, but without planning you will always find vacancy in the unpleasant dead ends that mark the lives of so many unprepared people.
     Membership has its privileges.  Preparedness planning is free, and we can help you find the view- points along the way. 


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