Feel Good Debt; Good, Better, and Best.

Feel Good Debt; Good, Better, and Best.

Emergency Preparedness – Feel Good Debt;  Good, Better, and Best.


     “I owe, I owe, it’s off to work I go.”  How can I ever feel good about my debts?
FEEL GOOD – pay off your student loans and cars.
FEEL BETTER – pay off your credit cards and pay cash for all your purchases.
FEEL BEST – pay off your house mortgage and use the payment money for retirement and missions.
     It doesn’t matter what everybody says, there is no greater feeling than to be mortgage free.  Pressures disappear when you know you are not obligated to anyone.  Everybody who says different are those who want to put you in to debt – to them. 
     It doesn’t matter the investment market returns, the best investment you can make is in yourself.  Paying down your mortgage is guaranteed to save much more interest than uncertain investment returns.  Look at your best investments and ask if, in their best performance years you would have had more increase in after-tax and after-tithing returns than you would have saved in interest, paying down principle on your mortgage.  Your home is your best investment because you get to live in it.  You can’t do that with gold, diamonds, stocks and debentures.  Besides, the prophet says it’s a good idea to be debt free.
    For more information contact (your emergency preparedness specialist).


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