Taxes, Value, and Cost.

Taxes, Value, and Cost.

Emergency Preparedness – Taxes, Value and Cost.

     “If I hire a painter to do the house, it will cost $3,500.  I’ll have to earn $5,000, pay taxes and tithing and I’ll have enough for the painter.  If I paint the house myself, materials will cost $300 to $400.  What’s my time worth?
     If this man paints his own house, he is obviously getting the best deal – adding value at the lowest cost and minimal taxes.  In fact, in America, self-made blessings always receive the best tax breaks.
     But, if this man painted his own house in England, soon after completion of the project the local tax assessor would pay him a visit to establish the value added to his property, and assess a “value added” tax equal to the total tax due as though a commercial painter had done the job.  Thank heaven value added taxes have not arrived here yet.
     Time spent productively can be more valuable than money, and is still not taxable.  Spend your time wisely to generate savings and improve skills.  Improved skills can eliminate a lot of bills.
     For more information contact (your emergency preparedness specialist).

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