“I Never Have Enough Time To Get Things Done.”
Emergency Preparedness – “I Never Have Enough Time To Get Things Done.”
Ever heard this squawk? Sounds sort of LAME, doesn’t it. If everyone has exactly the same amount of time in a day, week, month or year, shouldn’t we be saying, “I’ve too many things to do?” If its just things, what we really need to do is prioritize and GET THE IMPORTANT THINGS DONE FIRST.
Here’s the plan. Each night before retiring make a list of ten important things you have to get done tomorrow, in priority order. That will tell you how early you have to get up and get going. As you complete each item, you get to (moment of joy) cross it off your list. Be flexible and if you don’t get things done in exact order, that’s okay. Just keep crossing off by accomplishment one thing at a time. What you don’t get done today goes to the top of tomorrow’s list. When you get really good at this, MULTI-TASK — learn to do two or more things at once. Recognize how some tasks can dovetail along with others.
Sound simple? This advice was worth $20,000 to a large US corporation who hired an efficiency consultant for a week to show them how to increase productivity. If it works for you, or you need more information, contact (your emergency preparedness specialist). He (she) will accept your check.