Is Your Spare Flat?
Emergency Preparedness – Is Your Spare Flat?
Food in the storage room is a lot like the spare tire in your vehicle. Both can be neglected.
People never think of tires in terms of a set being five. Out of sight, out of mind . . . a good (bad) example being cars that go to the wrecking yard. Most have spare tires that look like they have never been driven on. A little air pressure and they’re like new. But most spares go to waste from being overlooked.
Good utilization of resources includes putting everything into a rotation plan. Just sticking with a plan with tires insures best fuel efficiency (check the pressure regularly) and 20% more tire mileage if you rotate and utilize the spare. Spare anything is always good insurance, but why spend money needlessly? Overlooked resources are underused blessings. You sleep better having extra food inventory and spare tires, but you can live cheaper if you don’t let stuff spoil. Use it all, and use it all up.
If you use it, store it. If you store it, use it.
Make it a priority this week to check your food inventory as well as the pressure in the vehicle spare.
For more information contact (your emergency preparedness specialist).