Anyone Need an Abacus?

Anyone Need an Abacus?

Emergency Preparedness – Anyone Need an Abacus?


   Time was then memory was something you lost with age, an application was filled out for employment, a program was a TV show, a cursor used very bad language, a keyboard was on a piano, a web was a spider’s home, a virus caused the flu, a CD was a bank savings account, a hard drive was a grueling road trip, a mouse pad was where a mouse lived, and bits and bites had to do with horses and horseflies.
   Do you ever suffer from techno-overload?  With more information comes higher performance expectations.  Oh yes, a crash usually involved vehicles of some kind, not life in general when any of the previously mentioned computer components fail.  Is it any wonder people don’t like to cook during a techno-crisis when take-out, drive-up, or heat and serve (expensive) fast foods are so available?
   Take the time to gather just one recipe each week for a simple food that is easy to fix.  Learn to use raw foods in your recipes.  This simple preparation practice can cut your food budget markedly, and everyone knows raw foods have the most nutrition, cost the least, and keep you from eating expensive meals out.  Have you ever noticed that “fresh garden vegetables in season” in fancy restaurant meals are ALWAYS green zucchini and/or yellow squash?  Know why?  Because they are cheapest and easiest to fix.
    For more information, contact (your emergency preparedness specialist).

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