Born 1930 thru 1960?

Born 1930 thru 1960?

Emergency Preparedness – Born 1930 thru 1960?

   Hey, we survived!!!   . . . Without child proof cabinet doors and prescription bottles, lead based paints, riding in cars with no seatbelts or airbags, bicycles with no helmets, hitchhiking, drinking soda pop with real sugar in it from the same bottle as three other friends, Twinkies, Ding Dongs, and riding in the back of pick up trucks on a hot day because it was cool.  We survived coasters made of scraps of wood and running down the street forgetting we had no brakes.  We even survived BB guns and real firecrackers. 
   We didn’t have Play stations, Nintendo’s, X-boxes, video games, 99 to 120 channels on cable, and cell phones.  We weren’t overweight because we rode bikes or walked everywhere, made up games with sticks and balls, and sometimes had near death experiences just ringing door bells to ran away just for fun.
   Some got caught, some didn’t make the team after tryouts, some fell out of trees, and some even ate mud pies and worms.  Parents taught us how to deal with all this and be responsible for what was right.
   With freedom, failure, responsibility and imagination this generation produced an explosion of products, innovations and progress that made it easier for future generations to live with fewer risks.
   NOW, remember to check that your immunizations are up to date so you don’t catch something.   The County Health Department can help you with inexpensive shots and immunization information.
   For more information contact (your emergency preparedness specialist.)

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