Things We Keep.
Emergency Preparedness – Things We Keep.
I grew up in the late 40’s – baby boomer from practical, hard working parents. My mother washed aluminum foil and reused it before recycling was ever a word. Dad felt better in resoled shoes than new ones. Both were great at making do and fixing things – curtain rods, window screens, oven door, lawn mower, hem in a dress – things we’d keep. That was our way of life, and it sometimes made me crazy.
All that fixing, repairing, renewing: I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there’d be more. A new replacement was always better.
But some things you don’t throw away. You learn to work hard, make do, and be grateful for good food, your marriage, children with bad report cards, adequate clothes and aging parents. You see, if you strip away all that stuff that’s worth keeping, you’ll just accumulate a bunch of junk that’s not. Plain and simple, the things we work for most we’re willing to give up least. Conserve and preserve to keep your family together, regardless of the difficulties. Food, clothing, and home – the rest is fluff. Cherish, provide and spend time with the “keepers” in your life. It will make your life important, and rich.