Understanding the Evils of Weevils

Understanding the Evils of Weevils

Emergency Preparedness – Understanding the Evils of Weevils

   “They are all over.  They must have come in somehow from outside,” said my mother to the installer. 
   “We’ll underlay your new cabinets with DDT and your kitchen will be weevil free forever,” he replied.
   DDT was not the answer.  Why?  Because microscopic insect eggs are in all grain products from the field and no amount of processing or refining can get them out.  With heat for incubation they hatch – in flour, mixes, pasta, even powdered milk products – and come from the inside of boxes out, not the outside in.
   Without life essentials of heat, moisture, or air kitchen critters can’t live.  A simple trick is to freeze any product susceptible to weevil for 3-4 consecutive days before putting it in inventory.  Either stock up in winter when you can leave products outside (the added weight in the car trunk will improve traction) or put them in your freezer to kill the insect eggs.  Otherwise, temperatures must be cool enough in storage rooms to stop incubation.  Dehydrated (very dry) foods and airless packaging will also stop weevil growth.
   Remember, insects are nine times more protein rich than beef.  If you get them, think of what you are eating as a bonus meal with grain fed additives.   Insure that everything is seasoned well – lots of pepper.
   For more information contact (your emergency preparedness specialist).

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