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Category: Finances

Debt Danger Signal Quiz

Debt Danger Signal Quiz

                                                                                                                                                      YES     NO Are you using credit cards for items you used to pay for with cash?                                     / Is an increasing percentage of your income going to pay for interest expense?                   / Are you tapping more of your savings to pay current bills?                                                     / Your savings should be at least three months’ take-home pay.  Is yours inadequate?        / Are you making only minimum payments on revolving charge accounts?                            / Are you shuffling debt from one card to another on 0% introductory…

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Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

     When McDonalds introduced a hamburger in l968 that was over three times the price of their basic $.15 burger, everyone thought that the Big Mac would be too expensive to catch on.  Today, at $2.24 it’s a pretty good deal, especially compared to “nickel candy bars” and “Five and Dime Store” items.      Inflation is a price escalator that is here to stay.  Government printing of the M1 money supply in excess of net GDP increase is one cause…

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Win a Million Dollars

Win a Million Dollars

     As the story goes, the government advertised that anyone who could prove real need could win a grant for one million dollars.  Among the many that applied was a farmer.  When asked what he would do with the money, he replied, “I would just farm and farm and farm until it was all gone.”      A farmer is a man outstanding in his field.  Most only work half days – from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., plus overtime.  They…

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Living in a car

Living in a car

     “How would you like to live in one of your antique cars with you family,” I said to a car dealer friend who was also a client?  Like most dealers, he was a hobbyist, having collected a number of vintage cars.  “If your house is paid for, that’s $1,600 a month you don’t have to earn if your mortgage is cleared.  No bills, no need for income.”      The market was high, a package sale of his antiques cleared…

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Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade

     While serving a mission in South America some Elders lived 4 to 6 in an apartment and for $20.00 each could hire a maid, allowing them more proselytizing time and excellent employment for the maid.      Few of us can afford a maid, but with marvelous tools available, we can make hundreds of jobs easy using washers, dryers, vacuums, microwaves, blenders, mixers, etc.      With a jack and wrench you can change your own oil for under $10.00.  The…

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Getting Out Of Debt

Getting Out Of Debt

     Did you know that adding just $100 a month to your house payment can save you over $7,687 in interest on a 15 year mortgage (5% APR) and over $57,035 if you have a 30 year mortgage (5.5% APR)?  Additionally, your payments will end 27 months ($32,027) and 79 months ($71,047) early, respectively.                                                                                                              If your house payment is $1,000 a month, in a minimal tax bracket you have to earn $1,552.57, which (after taxes and tithing) equals…

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