Getting Started

Getting Started

     A young couple, just getting started, determined to sacrifice and spend some of their meager finances on a food supply.  They picked a cool closet in their small apartment and determined two things:
1.        they would not food shop unless they could purchase a case of  something they normally consumed.
2.    they would never buy anything unless it was on sale.
     The local newspaper specials became an important part of their casual reading.  What started with generic canned green beans at 24 cans for $l.00 (1974) expanded to higher cost ketchup, and soups.  They stretched to buy a case of tuna.  They put in sugar at $.20 a pound, just before a sugar shortage when prices soared to $1.05 a pound, and were glad they had inventory.  A TV talk show  comedian’s comment caused a run on toilet paper in 1975, and they were prepared for that, too.  Their closet was full in one year.
     “We feel more secure when our bank accounts grow,” said President Kimball.  “But, that’s not the Lord’s program.  Food storage is what He expects us to have, and in the home.”
     Through thrift, not only can we be prepared in every needful thing, but we quickly learn that by being obedient the Lord’s way is no sacrifice. 
     For more information call (your preparedness specialist).

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