72 Hour Emergency First Responder Kits – Conclusions.
72-Hour Emergency First Responder Kits – Conclusions
A group is only as strong as the poorest prepared person in it. Individual skills, resources and tools are part of the intelligence we acquire through opportunities for learning. The Doctrine and Covenants says that intelligence is made up of light and truth. You can’t live by truth you don’t know, and “ . . . the time will come when you cannot live on borrowed light.” Individual preparedness is essential if you are to be counted as one of the wise virgins in the last days: one who is personally prepared and is willing to teach, but is unable to save another by lending their resources when time comes to an end.
“Everyone will bring their storage to the Church and the Bishop will redistribute it to the needy in time of emergency,” said a poorly prepared neighbor. If that were true, why not do it right now while there is time to replenish?
Attitude, education and action define every life. The gospel of preparedness simply helps us to have the highest quality of life through being prepared.
For more ideas contact (your emergency preparedness specialist).