Self Sufficiency or Social Security?

Self Sufficiency or Social Security?

Emergency Preparedness – Self Sufficiency or Social Security?


     “Americans Not Saving Enough,” read the TV headline, as two matronly Mall shoppers walked by.

     “That’s ridiculous,” said one of the women.  “I bought four pairs of shoes and saved $60.00.”
     Socialism is when you expect others to provide for your needs with tax dollars from somebody else.  How quickly we surrender our own accountability when someone else makes a guarantee, especially when participation is mandatory and the future is protected by policy makers in government.
     Since the late 1970’s study by Alan Greenspan, most have believed that Social Security would not survive post-war baby boomer retirement that would start in 2007.  Likewise, most have done little to budget for the expected failure by having a systematic savings in 401,403,457, or IRA programs that allow pretax contributions as incentive.  Taking personal responsibility includes recognizing that the time will come when you will be incapable of working and will have to live on money storage.  I have never met anyone who had too much of that, and many people experienced forced retirement earlier than expected.
     Those who have command of their own savings are in command of their future.  To be self-sufficient is to be prepared in all needful things in life, including money storage.  Get started or add to yours right now.
     For more information contact (your emergency preparedness specialist.)

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